Hello World

Hello World. And hello to everyone reading this, I hope you are having a great day. We don't have time so let's start.

Tech I used

To build my blog-like site I wanted to try server side rendering for the first time, out of curiosity and to learn more about Vue ecosystem. There were 2 options to consider: Nuxt and Vuepress.

Initially I've tried Vuepress but due to some bugs at the early stages of configuring I gave up. The plan was to do it fast and without struggle. So I switched to Nuxt with some concerns: I've heard it may be an overkill for a simple website.

Building part

It turned out to be really pleasant to use. Switching to Vue from React felt like a good call and I had similar feelings about Nuxt: Vue on steroids.

Docs are similar to Vue's - purely amazing. I've used npx create-nuxt-app and the project was ready to run. So nice and clean, I love it.

Automatic routing seems like a thing that should be a part of Vue itself. Vue Router is not hard, but if it can be automated, it should be. Nuxt is full of that kind of easing.

To create blog-like site Nuxt Content is perfect solution. It's a module that acts as a Git-based Headless CMS. I write posts in Markdown and the Nuxt app fetches it.

List of dependencies and features

Problems I encountered

There weren't many of them, dev experience was smooth. They were my fault or were caused by just using new technology that I don't know.

First one was adding linkedin-in Font Awesome icon.

I also wasn't sure how to include images in my posts.

The last one was my wrong use of color mode module, I wrote $colorMode.value instead of $colorMode.preference in ColorModeButton's toggling and that caused not saving setting between pages and after refresh.

Connected posts